Who hasn't had the desire to fly? Standing on the rim of Black Canyon often evokes such a feeling. Perhaps it's helped by watching the lightning fast violet-green swallows and white-throated swifts, both masters of the quick mid-air turn. It may look like simple fun, but there is also a purpose behind the acrobatics. Sqallows and swifts feed on flying insects, so agility and speed mean a full stomach. Often seen together, the swallows and swifts of Black Canyon are very similar in appearance. Violet-green swallows have delta-shaped wings and white patches that almost meet over the base of the tail. They may look black-and-white, but at the right angle of light, the green and purple iridescence is evident. White-throated swifts are less abundand than swallows. They can be recognized by their long narrow wings, cigar-shaped bodies and true black-and-white color. Black Canyon's cliff crevices and holes are idea, nearly predator-proof nesting areas for these acrobatic little birds.